Name: Pensiri #Leadership #FamilyRelationship #Temper

Learnt to cherish family and see difficulties as opportunities to grow

Through my mother’s recommendation, I watched the “Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp” video, hoping to regain the happiness that I lost and strengthen my leadership capabilities so that I could become a student leader. Through the camp, I made many new friends and everyone was happy to learn from each other. After the camp, I received the good news that I was selected to be one of the student leaders in my school’s hockey team!

Additionally, I used to treat my home like a hostel and rarely talked to my mother. I would be out from dawn till dusk and I also did not inform her about my whereabouts. However, when I was chanting during the Youth Camp, I was reminded of my late grandmother and it struck me that I should cherish my family more. Nowadays, I share many things with my mother and will take the initiative to greet her. Recently, we even went bowling and ate hotpot together. Our relationship has become a lot closer.

In the past, I was easily irritable and often lost my temper when faced with difficulties. Through “The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom”, and “The Meditation of Purity”, I was able to calm myself down. When I am in doubt or when I encounter a problem, I will communicate with Grandmaster JinBodhi in my heart to receive guidance and answers. Once, I wanted to know how I could be better at hockey and the answer I received was to be persistent. After the Youth Camp, I am more positive and optimistic. I am also able to control my emotions as I learnt that the difficulties I faced are opportunities for me to learn and grow!

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.