Name: Heng Yi Ling #ChestPain #BreathingDifficulties #LegCramps

Relieved of Respiratory Problems and Leg Cramps

I had been experiencing chest pain and breathing difficulty since a year ago, especially when I was in bed at night. About 3 to 4 nights a week I needed to use an inhaler prescribed by the doctor to help me breathe more easily. Besides this, I had sneezing episodes of up to 20 times almost every morning accompanied by thick phlegm.

Upon encouragement by my mum, I attended the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat in November 2018. During the “Meditation of Greater Illumination” practice on Day 3 of the retreat, my chest felt so relaxed and I was able to breathe in and out deeply. It was then that I realised that my breathing has been shallow all the while. Since then, I do not have chest pain or breathing difficulties at night! I am also very happy that now, I do not feel short of breath running to catch the late night train, a daily ritual after work. My sneezes have greatly reduced to less than 5 times in the morning and I no longer have thick phlegm.

Lastly, the leg cramp that I have been suffering from since my teenage years is very much improved after attending this retreat. I used to experience severe cramps in both legs about 3 to 4 times a week but now the cramps only come about once or twice a week with the pain significantly reduced. I will continue my meditation practice despite my busy work schedule. Sincere gratitude to Grandmaster JinBodhi, now I feel energetic every day!

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.